Thursday, November 22, 2012

Opera Cake

Pengen coba buat Opera Cake buat event ultah, setelah searching kesana kemari.. akhirnya pilihan jatuh ke resepnya Masterchef Australia, ada videonya step by step lagi jadi lebih enak praktekinnya, resep nggak di translate ya.. lagi males =D

ato bisa diliat di -> 

4 whole eggs.
150g icing sugar.
150g almond meal. (ak pake almond bubuk)
60g plain flour. (segitiga biru)
45g melted butter.
4 egg whites.
40g caster sugar. (aku pake gula pasri diblender halus)

Coffee Essence: (untuk yang ini aku beli jadian coffee essence banyak yg jual)
150g white sugar. 
4 x 30ml shots coffee. 
30g freeze dried coffee.

Coffee Syrup:
250ml water
250g white sugar.
2 tbs coffee essence.

Butter Cream:
300g caster sugar. (Gula pasir diblender halus aja)
5 egg yolks.
500g butter, softened.
4 tbs coffee essence.

400g dark chocolate.
300ml thickened cream. (whipping cream)
30g butter, at room temperature.

30g dark chocolate, melted.
Cocoa powder, to serve.


For the jaconde, sift the dry ingredients together. Whisk the whole eggs to aerate and then fold in the dry ingredients then the melted butter. Whisk the egg whites to soft peaks then add sugar a little at a time until all incorporated. Fold the egg white mixture into the yolk mixture. Spread onto 2 sheets baking paper then carefully arrange the paper onto a baking tray. Bake at 200°C for 5-8 minutes or until light golden around the edges. Trim the edges while hot then set aside to cool.
For the coffee essence, combine all the ingredients together in a saucepan and bring to the boil, simmer until thick and syrupy. Set aside to cool.
For the coffee syrup, combine all the ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to the boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Simmer about 5 minutes then remove from heat. Set aside to cool. For the coffee syrup, combine all the ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to the boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Simmer about 5 minutes then remove from heat. Set aside to cool.
For the butter cream, dampen sugar with a little water in a saucepan, place onto stove and bring to boil, brushing edges down with pastry brush dipped in water to prevent crystallisation. Bring the syrup to soft ball (121°C). Meanwhile whisk egg yolks until light and fluffy on high speed in an electric mixer. Once sugar has come up to temperature, add to yolks in a slow thin stream, whisking continuously until all has been added. Continue to beat on low speed until the mixture cools to room temperature (this best done in bench top mixer). Once cool, gradually add butter and 2-3 heaped spoonfuls of coffee essence, beating until well combined.
For the ganache, shave chocolate into a bowl, add butter and set aside. Bring cream to the boil then pour over chocolate mixture. Mix well until combined. Refrigerate until set.
To assemble, cut each jaconde sponge in half. Brush 1 sheet of sponge with the melted chocolate and turn over onto piece of baking paper on a chopping board. Brush the sponge generously with coffee syrup, then apply a thin, even layer of butter cream. Place another jaconde sheet on top, pressing to secure. Brush with coffee syrup and then apply a thin even layer of ganache on top. Repeat the layers again and this time finish with a slightly thicker layer of chocolate ganache. Allow to set in fridge.
Once set, trim with a hot dry knife that has been dipped in hot water and wiped dry with a tea towel. Heat and dry the knife again each time before cutting and cut a rectangle for serving. Dust with good quality cocoa powder. Place on plate and top with a quenelle of cream fraiche and a piece of gold leaf.

Ini dia hasil opera cake - ku yang pertama, agak berantakan sih tapi enakk loooh.. =)

layernya ngga rata soalnya cakenya nggak rata hehe..

Lapisan atas aku pake ganache terus setelah dingin aku taburi cocoa powder

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